Monday, January 15, 2007

Doesn’t Miss a Trick

We had the party for the lingerie client last night, and as I predicted Bethany, the too young for her own good account manager, made a scene. The wife noticed causing the mistress’s shelf life to expire. He’s done with her. Stupid bimbo. They all think they’re the one until he’s over them. And then it’s bye, bye Miss Account Manger.

Meanwhile, guess who had to manage the wife? She doesn’t miss a trick. I explained that the account manager was unhappy that the boss didn’t thank her in his speech. “She has such a sense of entitlement,” I said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he let her go.” And I wouldn’t. The wife bought it. I’m a quick thinker, but unfortunately, not quick enough to spend time with Katherine, who was giving out gift bags at the door. I find myself fantasizing about her 24/7. I’ve been making all of these deals with the universe. "Give me Katherine and I’ll do anything you want.”

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